Ulti Malt Classic Drink (non-alcoholic) Malz 330ml

Ulti Malt Classic Drink (non-alcoholic) Malz 330ml

1.50 inkl.MwSt

Ultimalt non-alcoholic Malt Drink
Origin: Belgium
Inhalt: 330ml (€0,45/100ml)

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SKU: 5432 Categories: ,

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Preis für alle:   6.30

Ultimalt is the Modern Malt in look, feel & taste. Enjoy its delicious malty flavour with no after taste.

This non-alcoholic malt drink is enriched with B5 vitamin for nourishing goodness and is also free from preservatives. Ultimalt is made using an authentic African recipe but brewed and canned using the most advanced British and European processes. The result is a tastier, healthier & lighter malt drink.

Ultimalt Is Made With The Following Ingredients:

  • Water
  • Barley Malt
  • Brewing Sugar
  • Hops
  • Colour Caramel
  • Vitamins B5


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