Bio-Wurzelstimulator Olivenöl No Lye Relaxer ist ein System zur Haarglättung. Das revolutionäre System verwendet Olivenöl, um das Haar vor Schäden während des Entspannungsprozesses zu schützen. In der Vergangenheit wurde Olivenöl als Heilelixier verwendet, das reich an essentiellen Fettsäuren ist, die das Haar und die Kopfhaut direkt mit Feuchtigkeit versorgen. Das System bietet kontinuierlichen Schutz beim Richten und für lang anhaltenden Glanz.
This product may not be suitable for all hair types; a strand test must be performed prior to application. Use the strength of relaxer suited to your hair. Not suitable for use on children. Do not use on bleached hair, highlighted hair, hair treated with henna or metallic salts, or hair processed with a thio/perm product such as thioglycolate, thiolactate, cysteine, cysteamine, sulphite. Hair loss or breakage could occur. Do not use on hair that is fragile, breaking, splitting or otherwise damaged; for example, due to frequent colouring or other chemical processes. If you have permanent or demi-permanent hair colour, wait at least 2 weeks before relaxing. Do not use if you have a sensitive, irritated or damaged scalp. It is recommended that you use petroleum jelly during application as indicated in enclosed instructions.