Eco Styler Gel mit 100% Natur Olivenoil ist für alle Haartypen geignet und fläkert nicht ab, verleiht keine weisse Schuppen, Hilfsmittel gegen Kopfhaut Juckreiz Eco Styler Olive Oil Styling Gel is for all hair types. This product is alcohol free and made with hundred percent pure olive oil You can get wonderful hair by using Eco Style Gel, Olive Oil Styling Gel. The olive oil content is known for its various benefits to human health and is an important ingredient since ancient times. It’s highly safe for all types of hair without causing itching or flaking. It’s an good styling gel that deeply conditions the hair while maintaining maximum hold. Made with 100% pure olive oil Free from alcohol No flakes, no tack and anti-itch Can be used in all types of hair Eco Style Gel, Olive Oil Styling Gel provides moisture to the hair as well as scalp
Herstellungsland: U.S.A