Dried Salted Saithe Cutlets 400g

Dried Salted Saithe Cutlets 400g

6.90 inkl.MwSt

Dried Salted Saithe  225g
Origin: Norway – North Atlantic Zone
Inhalt: 400g(€1,73/100g)

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SKU: 5979 Category:

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Preis für alle:   40.70

Traditionally dried salted fish cutlets. Saithe is a North Atlantic fish usually fished off of the coast of Norway. After being fished, the fish is salted for up to 3 weeks and stored in a dry and cool location at around 3 degrees. Salting the fish removes the water which makes sure the flavours and nutrition remain. It has more flavour than dried salted fish that is produced from cod, and is used a lot in casseroles, bolinos and migas. Cut the fish into pieces. The skin can be removed before the fish is soaked in water, but it is easier to remove afterwards.

Storage: Store in cool & dry place
Usage: Soak fish (Skin facing down) in a basin with cold water for 24 hours. Change the water several times. The product will re-hydrate and de-salt. Cook to your recipe.



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