Africa Village Dried Salted Fish Tilapia – Koobi 200g

Africa Village Dried Salted Fish Tilapia – Koobi 200g

7.50 inkl.MwSt

Ghana Koobi (Salted Dry Tilapia) Cut
Origin: Ghana
Importer: Exotic City Belgium
Inhalt: 200g(€3,75/100g)

SKU: 5956 Category:

Oft zusammengekauft

Preis für alle:   33.90

Koobi is tilapia salted dried fish. The fish has an indigenous flavor in stews and soup in the African/Carribean  local delicacies. It is used to prepare  foods such as fufu, soup, plantain and stew and other local  cuisines.

History, social and cultural relevance

Koobi is one of those multipurpose ingredients you need to have in your kitchen. It’s primarily used as a food enhancing flavour in cooking local sauces and soups. Growing up, most children have been asked by their mothers to make the journey in their respective areas to buy koobi. Koobi has been engrained in Ghanaian cooking tradition and has served as a good substitute for salt and spices in most local dishes over the years.

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