Ghana Shower Net/Sponge

Ghana Shower Net/Sponge

15.00 inkl.MwSt

African bath sponge/net
Best skin scrub
More 120cm in length (when stretched)

SKU: 6142 Category:

Oft zusammengekauft

Preis für alle:   22.50

African bath sponge/net, its advantages are:
Length of more than 120 cm when stretched.
Can help you wash your back and hold both ends.
With very little soap, it lathers a lot (more economical soap). Lasts for many years and still retains color and texture.
Gives you a very clean bath, it is the best and many people talk about it. Middle hard texture  and different colors are available for families and friends. ChrisKes  sells the best African bath sponge,

You will love it when you see it, try one and also as gift for friends

Let us know your favourite colour, If available we will send it to you.


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